Seventeen WSF women ranging in age from 21 to 85 traveled to Chicago in August for the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions. We spent a full year meeting regularly on Zoom calls to build a strong container for our Parliament events, using circle principles to hear every voice and weaving together the spiritual wisdom we carry individually into a brilliant new collective pattern.
While we are still integrating and processing all that we learned during our week at the Parliament, one new awareness has already risen to the surface. When WSF was created at the 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Australia, we came together to nurture ‘women’s spiritual leadership.’ As we prepared for our Parliament engagements, we became aware that our mission had shifted over the past year to nurturing ‘feminine spiritual wisdom’. This is a subtle but powerful evolution.
WSF carried that new awareness into our full day sacred circle gathering for women on the day before the Parliament opened. Branches of the Sacred Feminine: Connecting at our Roots evoked deep sharing of our individual and collective spiritual wisdom.
The Latest
Be the Light in the Darkness
As we approach the Winter Solstice, many of us are feeling a profound ‘disturbance in the force’ to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi. We are watching the old structures that we have relied upon for our entire lives crumbling to dust before our eyes and, at the same time, we are rather urgently scanning the horizon for some small signs of a new world taking shape. We see more forces of hatred and violence afoot in the world and yet we also feel the frequency of love growing stronger in the hearts of hundreds of millions around the world.
Join us for a potent women’s gathering
A Rare Opportunity to be in Ceremony with Diane Kahontakwas Longboat Saturday July 20, 2024, 1 - 4 pm. Women of Spirit and Faith is thrilled to once again host an in-person sacred circle. At this time of great challenge and change, transformation and resistance, it is essential for women to remember how to nurture our personal and collective spiritual resilience. Together in sacred circle we practice transparency, speaking from our hearts and deep listening to access the feminine wisdom needed now. We are deeply honored to welcome Diane Kahantakwas Longboat to lead us in sacred ceremony followed by integration and deepening in sacred circles.
WSF circles activate and ignite our gifts and bring our dance to the fire.
Our Work
When women gather in a safe space, we experience a synergy that magnifies our personal wisdom and activates our collective leadership.
Stillness quiets our minds and centers our hearts. It is the capacity to be present, in the moment – to be quiet, to be still, to listen.
Authentic Conversation
Women can take the lead to create safe spaces where people can listen deeply and with curiosity to the person on the 'other side'. It's simple - and challenging -- and there may not be anything more important on the planet right now.
Spiritual Grounding
The Divine Feminine is at the very heart of Women of Spirit and Faith and the absence of Her is at the heart of the unbalanced, wobbly world in which we find ourselves living.
So we invite all women — and men – to enter the circle, extend their senses to include the other, risk a deeper truth and commit to bring forward a new paradigm of leadership with us.
Circle Practice
When women gather in a circle with a sacred center, a space is created which calls forth collective wisdom and inspires personal passion. The world needs both right now. As women of spirit and faith bringing our skills and leadership in so many different ways, we all need the nurturing, validation and synergy that a circle provides for its women.
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Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership
Where Grace Meets Power
This collaborative anthology features the wisdom of more than 30 diverse multigenerational women exploring how their spirituality nurtures and informs their leadership in the world. The book has received excellent reviews and reached number one in its category on Amazon! Read More