Women who cannot travel to the Alchemy gathering in November have asked how they can be involved. No matter where you are, you can join the energy of Alchemy by lighting a candle and anchoring a local circle of women during the window of time when women will gather in San Francisco. This will help to strengthen the container for Alchemy and connect your local community of women with the growing planetary power of women’s spiritual leadership.
Women have already committed to creating Circle of Light in Australia, Switzerland, Canada and several states across the U.S. If you would like to join this global community of light, contact our Circles of Light coordinator Mohini Moore – mohini.moore@yahoo.com – to let her know where you located. Mohini will help us track all of the circles so we can make them visible on our website, our Facebook page and at the Alchemy event. We will also provide you with some questions you can explore in your local Alchemy circles.
The event will begin at 5 pm Pacific time on Thursday, November 7 and end at 11:30 am on Sunday, November 10. A lighted candle during all or part of that timeframe will help hold the sacred center and build the field of Alchemy.